Flowerbomb Ruby Orchid - Woda perfumowana format podróżny
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Perfumy Viktor & Rolf Flowerbomb Ruby Orchid są tak powabne, pewne siebie i lekko prowokujące jak tancerka kabaretowa. Z tym zapachem zawsze będziesz w centrum uwagi, gdyż z pewnością obudzi on w Tobie zmysł powabnej kobiety ukrytej w Twoim ciele.
Debiutuje delikatnymi, frezjowymi tonami i świeżymi owocowymi aromatami, współgrającymi z niesłychanymi aromatami brzoskwini. Wkrótce ujawnia się serce zapachu - rubinowa orchidea, która ożywia, a jaśmin jest jak luksusowy welon. Zmysłowy akord czerwonych strąków wanilii prowadzi kompozycję ku końcowi. Połączenie zapachu orchidei i wanilii sprawia, że zapach jest tak urzekający.
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„Prawdziwa siła tkwi w wyobraźni”.
Viktor & Rolf zadziwiają i zachwycają mistrzostwem w swoim fachu projektantów, wyczuciem proporcji i przepychem. Ich wejście do świata perfum jest tak samo wybuchowe i zaskakujące. Nieustannie odkrywają na nowo ideę zapachowego Haute Couture.
viktor & rolf
Flowerbomb Ruby Orchid - Woda perfumowana format podróżny
Glad I Didn't Purchase the Full-Sizes!
I bought five 'sample' / travel sizes of Viktor & Rolf perfumes to compare them: Good Fortune, Ruby Orchid (Flowerbomb), Nectar (Flowerbomb) and the Original Flowerbomb. I also bought a sample size of Viktor & Rolf's BonBon Couture perfume. According to Perfume Descriptions: Ruby Orchid is 'bold,' the original Flowerbomb is an 'explosion of 1000 flowers,' Nectar is a 'potent' perfume, Good Fortune is also described as a 'potent' perfume, and BonBon Couture is described as an 'intensive perfume, stronger than the original BonBon perfume.' Now, I won't get into 'scents' here, but I will say: none of these perfumes were intense, strong, explosive, bold, or potent. In fact, I had to check the packaging to be sure that I hadn't accidentally received the less-potent 'Eau de Toilette' versions of each perfume. I didn't - I received the 'real' / strongest version of all of the perfumes. Nectar Flowerbomb, Original Flowerbomb, and Ruby Orchid Flowerbomb all smelled nearly identical to me. Out of the 'Flowerbomb' bunch: I'd rate Ruby Orchid first, because it was the strongest-smelling, followed by the Original, because it had some scent to it, followed by Nectar, because it smelled like nothing. But I should note that I had to practically DUMP all three of these Flowerbomb perfumes onto myself to even catch a whiff of scent. Good Fortune was probably my 'favorite' out of all five - however - if you hate apples and have to take a bite out of five different types of apples to pick the 'least offensive' then I suppose that'd be Good Fortune. It didn't smell 'bad' - it was actually quite pleasant - but when I say it was my 'favorite' it was only because it was just slightly stronger than the Ruby Orchid. Bonbon Couture was awful - for all of the supposed fragrance notes in it, all I smelled was incense - it was super heavy on the patchouli - yuck. It was definitely the strongest-smelling, but it smelled awful.
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